Our clients appreciate our deep understanding of the commerciality of employment development, and our focus on integrating sustainable mobility whilst maximising efficiency of delivering development. We prepare robust transport strategies and have a track record of securing planning consent, and delivering practically-focused transport schemes, for urban and rural developments.
- What We Do
- Development Planning
- Employment

Case Studies
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Chichester
Rolls-Royce’s Headquarters in Goodwood, Chichester, has seen significant growth over the past decade which has meant they required a new access and parking strategy to improve operational efficiencies at the site. ITP was appointed to provide an evidence base for proposals to increase car parking capacity that would accommodate existing staff and address overspill parking in neighbouring areas at busy times.
Our work involved agreeing significant measures with Rolls Royce' Board of Directors and negotiating with West Sussex County Council and Highways England, who had concerns over the site’s interaction with the A27. The result of our involvement was approved planning consent for the additional parking capacity, enhanced vehicle access and safer walking and cycling links to key site entrances.
Sproughton Enterprise Park, Ipswich
On the site of a former sugar beet factory, Sproughton Enterprise Park is a new mixed-use employment site on the western fringe of Ipswich. ITP provided strategic input on the Masterplan and developed the Transport Strategy, Transport Assessment and Framework Travel Plan.
This work incorporated strategic modelling and the detailed assessment of junctions to develop a suitable access strategy. Following submission of the outline planning application ITP continued to provide support, including implementing the Travel Plan Strategy and exploring alternative development scenarios in response to changing market conditions. We continue to work closely with Ipswich Borough Council as we seek to discharge several travel planning conditions.
Intervet UK, Milton Keynes
ITP provided a range of transport consultancy services to help Intervet UK achieve planning permission to expand their employment site in Milton Keynes. Our work included a scoping exercise with highways officers at Milton Keynes Council to help inform the information required for the site to be developed.
After discussions it was agreed that current accesses could remain, and a detailed Transport Assessment and Travel Plan was provided to support the multi-phased expansion. Our work also included the provision of access layouts and a car park assessment to help fully understand the current and future needs of parking on site.
East Midlands Gateway
SEGRO’s East Midlands Gateway is a 700-acre logistics park, which includes a 50-acre Strategic Rail Freight Interchange adjacent to East Midlands Airport. When complete, this nationally significant infrastructure project will be a regional employment hub for the East Midlands, creating over 7,000 jobs.
ITP is acting as Travel Plan Coordinators for the site; working in partnership with the developers, local authorities, public transport operators, occupiers and other local stakeholders. Our work will ensure the site is well connected by sustainable mobility options that meet the needs of people heading to work at the site.