news: 60 seconds with Dan Palmer, ITP's new Head of Development Planning
Monday 26th June 2017
So what do I do? Good question. Many of my nearest and dearest still don’t really understand what a ‘Transport Planner’ really does...
Monday 26th June 2017
So what do I do? Good question. Many of my nearest and dearest still don’t really understand what a ‘Transport Planner’ really does...
Monday 19th June 2017
Last Friday, surrounded by 300+ transport professionals, ITP and Derby City Council were crowned winners of the Sustainable Transport Award and the CIHT Award for the Connected project.
Friday 16th June 2017
In case you missed it amongst all the recent General Election excitement, this Spring the Department for Transport published its national cycling and walking investment strategy (‘CWIS’ for acronym lovers)...
Monday 12th June 2017
Well, where do I start – I certainly wasn’t expecting to have to review the manifesto of the DUP in order to understand the implications of the election on transport planning. But there you go. That’s politics I guess...