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blog: TripSwitch Tools Provide the Perfect Package for Crown

Author: Matt James

ITP was appointed by CROWN, a leading global supplier of rigid packaging products to consumer marketing companies, as well as transit and protective packaging products, equipment and services to a broad range of end markets, to develop a Travel Plan in order to discharge a condition in relation to securing planning permission for their beverage packaging site in Peterborough.

ITP implemented the innovative travel planning service ‘TripSwitch’ to provide more insight into CROWN employees' commuting patterns. The TripSwitch service provides a solution for organisations looking to influence more sustainable trips and reach their wider net zero goals. CROWN chose to focus on the Audience Assessment tool element of the TripSwitch service for this piece of work.

Crown Technologies

As a service, TripSwitch is valuable for organisations seeking to develop travel plans and deliver them through the planning process. It can be used to dive into more detail about the sort of interventions that may encourage staff to commute more sustainably to work, by looking into employee behaviours, attitudes, and characteristics. For example, would staff be more inclined to cycle, take the bus or car share? These can then be used to develop more bespoke recommendations.

TripSwitch Audience Assessment

In the development of the travel plan, an employee baseline survey was undertaken to establish how employees currently travel to work, the purpose of which is to inform future target setting.

As part of the baseline survey, a series of questions were asked to analyse employees’ views towards travelling by car, public transport, cycle and foot and the extent to which they are committed to driving their cars or open to alternative modes. By using this data, the respondents could be categorised into one of six TripSwitch segments highlighted below using the Audience Assessment tool:


Through this analysis of employee perceptions and willingness to use alternative transport options for their commute, 46% of employees were classified as Considerate Car Drivers/Users, 19% as Committed Car Drivers and 18% as Active Travel Enthusiasts. This represented a proportion of employees who would consider modal shift towards active travel if it was a practical and convenient option.

To provide insight into where employees were located, we undertook an additional mapping exercise which showed where Considerate Car Drivers/Users were located alongside how long their cycling commute would take. This provided CROWN with a sense of how feasible potential interventions would be. In this example, many of the Considerate Car Drivers/Users would be able to feasibly benefit from improved cycling infrastructure, but there were also many who lived further out, therefore making other modes such as car sharing potentially more appropriate.


TripSwitch has also had success on other ITP projects such as the Go Green Game at Edgbaston Stadium, where ITP was appointed to provide an evidence-based strategy to outline spectator travel patterns for the first ever sustainable international cricket match held at Edgbaston.

If you would like to find out more about TripSwitch and how it can support your organisation, please get in touch with Matthew James or Sian Fox.


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