news: Building a transport evidence base for Bromsgrove
Wednesday 19th May 2021
ITP is assisting Bromsgrove District Council (BDC) and Worcestershire County Council (WCC) with the preparation of a Strategic Transport Assessment to form a transport evidence base for the District Plan Review. Our support involves reviewing and updating the existing transport evidence base to identify local transport issues and, by adopting a ‘decide and provide ‘ approach, to understand the potential for strategic allocations to contribute to sustainable ‘good growth’ through the District Plan.
A multi-criteria assessment framework will be developed to test and sift a long list of potential development sites to understand their impact on the existing transport network. Where new infrastructure could be required, the assessment will begin to identify the range of possible solutions with a focus on sustainable outcomes such as walking, cycling and public transport as well as other transport modes.

The assessment will identify locations within the District with the potential to accommodate housing growth and packages of spatial options will be developed to determine high-level mode share and trip generation impacts that could arise as a consequence of their development.
The final output will be an transport evidence base which will help inform BDC and Worcestershire County Council’s decision making around potential growth locations that should be tested using the strategic transport model for the area and considered through the statutory Local Plan process.
This project builds on ITP’s expertise in building robust assessments to supporting Local Authorities through the rigorous Local Plan review process. For more information on our previous experience click here or get in touch with Neil Taylor, Director of Policy and Strategy at ITP (