Derby Connected

Derby City Council’s ‘Connected’ programme was introduced in 2013 to inspire, advise and support local people to make more trips by walking, cycling, car sharing and public transport. ITP delivered the business Travel Advice Service.

Our approach built on our award-winning Engage+ methodology, which helps employers' define and deliver achievable sustainable travel action plans. We collaborated with senior executives and management teams at 250 employers in Derby City Centre and major business parks, including some of the city’s largest employers; Severn Trent, Balfour Beatty, and Reckitt Benckiser. 

Monitoring surveys revealed an average 6%-point reduction in drive-alone commuting trips and a 6%-point increase in sustainable commuter trips to Connected workplaces as a result of our work. The project won both the 'Sustainable Transport Award' and the 'Overall Award' at the 2017 CIHT Awards, and was commended for its potential to be readily rolled-out to workplaces in other UK towns and cities.

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